Prakash Javadekar is currently in his third term of Rajya Sabha. He was elected for his 2nd term of Rajya Sabha in 2014 from Madhya Pradesh till 2018. He was re-elected as a Rajya Sabha member in 2018 from Maharashtra.
Since May 2014, he has been a Union Minister in the Narendra Modiji led NDA Government and has played an important role in the Parliament as a part of the Council of Ministers. In fact, he also shouldered responsibility as Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs for a brief period from May 2014 to November 2014. Besides, he has presented the Government’s standpoint before both Houses of Parliament in the form of replies to Parliamentary Questions, presenting various reports, policy documents and making them available for public scrutiny in the form of papers laid before both the Houses of parliament, replied to various queries raised during the discussions of issues of National importance and ensured that a number of Parliamentary assurances are fulfilled by the Ministries he is in charge of.

Important Legislations
Prakash Javadekar was instrumental in the passage of important legislations including the the Compensatory Afforestation Fund Act, 2016 and amendment to the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act.
The CAMPA Act, or the Compensatory Afforestation Fund Act, 2016 is a legislation that seeks to provide an appropriate institutional mechanism, both at the Centre and in each State and Union Territory, to ensure expeditious utilization of amounts released in lieu of forest land diverted for non-forest purpose which would mitigate impact of diversion of such forest land in efficient and transparent manner. The CAMPA Act is an important legislation, a breakthrough in terms of how we view development vis a vis environmental threats.
The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (Amendment) Act, 2019 which was passed by the Parliament on January 3, 2019 abolished the “no-detention” policy in schools according to which no student could be detained up to class VIII. The amendment was brought as comprehensive evaluation of students was not happening due to no-detention policy. The amendment enabled the States to decide whether or not to continue with the detention policy. It was a progressive step to ensure that the quality of education is not compromised with and also that students are evaluated on appropriate parameters.
Stand with Our Campaign for Equality
Besides the above responsibilities shouldered by Prakash Javadekar as a Union Minister in Parliament, he also ensured success of the Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana in the villages adopted by him. The scheme was launched by Honorable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modiji in December 2014 on the Birth Anniversary of Late Shri Jay Prakash Narayanji. Under this initiative, Prakash Javadekar had adopted a village Paldev in Satana disctrict of Madhya Pradesh. Due to the sincere efforts of Prakash Javadekar, the village saw transformation in every aspect- health, education, agriculture, employment, women empowerment as well as environment. As a result, the percentage of students passing the SSC exam rose from 11% in 20113-14 to a whopping 80% in 2017-18. Besides, there has been drastic improvement in health parameters of villagers, increase in agricultural produce due to availability of water all year round, generation of new employment with beautiful results in conservation of nature. After the success of Paldev initiative, the same was replicated in the Khutiya village of Chhindwara district of Madhya Pradesh.
RAJYA SABHA 2008 - 14
Prakash Javadekar was elected to the Rajya Sabha for the first time in the year 2008. It was a time when the Bharatiya Janata Party, which is now the ruling Party, had a representation of only about 45-50 members in the Rajya Sabha, which has a total strength of about 252 members. Hence, the role of each of these was very crucial in presenting the views of the then Opposition Party strongly and assertively and holding the Government accountable to the people of India. And, Prakash Javadekar did his bit well by engaging the floor by putting up the right questions on the issues concerning the nation.
Right from cornering the then Government on issues of huge corruption to raising issues related to farmer and labour welfare, women rights, inputs on economic issues, he made sure that the voice of the common man is heard in the Upper House of the Parliament, and, most importantly, acted upon.
During this tenure, he not only raised questions on various issues as many as 691 times, but also received more than 70 assurances from the then Government, indicating the effective use of the Parliamentary tool to raise people’s concerns.
He also served with distinction in Parliamentary Standing Committees on Defence, HRD and Consultative Committee on Power sector. He was also a member of the Committee on Subordinate Legislation. He kept on raising questions, mainly on the following issues:
Holding the then Government Accountable
Prakash Javadekar kept on cornering and exposing the then Government for huge scams including the 2G Scam, Coal Scam, Tatra Truck Scam, National Spot Exchange Scam, Augusta Westland Scam, Money-laundering in HSBC.
The Prime Minister said that he was not the custodian of files in the Coal Ministry. But, we wish to say that you are! You are the custodian of files also and the nation also!
02.09.2013, Rajya sabha debates
Raising Farmers’ and Labourers’ Issues
Prakash Javadekar raised issues faced by Farmers and Labourers. The issues raised by him compelled the then Government to act upon these issues in favour of farmers and labours. For instance, he threw light on the plight of farmers of Vidarbha and Marathwada region in Maharashtra due to prevailing drought situation. He was also instrumental in raising voice on Pension regulation of labourers.
Grave injustice has been done to crores of labourers in India by the three circulars on Provident Fund issued by the UPA Government on 26th September, 2008 on Provident Fund. These circulars amending the Provident Fund Act, 1952 are absolutely against the interest of labourers.
-26.02.2009, Special Mentions, Demand to revoke the CIrculars issued in connection with the Provident FUnd Act -26.02.2009, Special Mentions, Demand to revoke the CIrculars issued in connection with the Provident FUnd Act
You are not even ensuring wage security to the workers; the contract labourers are being exploited. It has perpetuated the system which you wanted to abolish. You have snatched even the little social security the new pension scheme offered.
-06.09.2013, Discussion on Government Bill- The Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority Bill, 2013John Doe
Fighting for the interests of students
Prakash Javadekar’s first question in Rajya Sabha itself was relating to the HRD Ministry on the subject “Exam Centres for AIEEE”, a major concern for students at that time. Subsequently, also, he ensured representation of students’ problems on the floor of the House.
Countries can achieve sustainable progress when they have innovation. Unfortunately, our nation has not caught up with innovation. I firmly believe that till the universities do not become the centres of innovation, our higher education shall remain futile
- 07.12.2009 Discussion on GOVERNMENT BILL - The Central Universities (Amendment) Bill, 2009
International Issues 0f Environment & Trade
Prakash Javadekar also drew attention of the Floor to stark lacunae in the then Government’s standpoint on Global issues of Climate Change and Trade. He held the then Government accountable for stand taken at the various Conferences of Parties (COP) and WTO negotiation rounds.
When Shri Arun Jaitley was the Commerce Minister, (India’s) stand (at the WTO) had been finalised by taking all the parties into confidence. The stand was such that India’s agricultural interests would be taken care of and the farmers’ interests would also be taken into consideration. It was also decided that in global trade, we want a level playing field; however, for that the developed nations must reduce the subsidy given to their farmers. Even the previous Government’s stand in the last five years was the same. However, today it appears that everything has changed after the elections. Not just the minister has changed, but the policy too seems to have changed.
- 7.12.2009, Discussion on Acceptance by G-8 plus five countries and India to complete WTO Doha round by 2010
Formation of Telangana
Formation of Telangana was a contentious issue where BJP was supporting equitable justice for the new state. Prakash Javadekar raised several questions to put things into perspective and get maximum for the newly formed state.

Atalji has shown how to create new states. He created three states. All the three states celebrated it. You had promised to carve only one state but you failed to do even that properly. Instead of dividing the state, you have divided the people.
-20.02.2014, Discussion on Government Bill- The Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Bill, 2014
Other contemporary issues
Apart from above, Prakash Javadekar has also highlighted various issues of National Interest ranging from national security, formation of Telangana to legislation for prevention of ragging in educational institutions.
We are condemning in strong words the UPA government’s affidavit on the Ram Setu and their intention to break it down. We would not let the government break the Ram Setu..
-26.02.2013, Government’s new stand on Sethu Samudran Project.