Frontliner for the betterment of society

Prakash Javadekar is known as an intellectual politician, a strategic planner and an executer in mission mode. A staunch advocate of people centric policies and reforms, he is respected for his impeccable integrity, passion and commitment towards welfare of society at large. He has been guided by the principle of achieving sustainable and balanced development while preserving the environment.

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Water is Life !
Every drop 💧 saved today ensures a better tomorrow.

जल ही जीवन है, और आने वाली पीढ़ियों के लिए इसे संरक्षित करना हमारा दायित्व है!
आइए, 'विश्व जल दिवस' पर हम संकल्प करें कि जल को स्वच्छ और संरक्षित रखेंगे एवं जल की एक-एक बूंद का सदुपयोग#worldwaterday2025t#waterday2025t#WaterIsLifeaterIsLife
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3 days ago

India has achieved the impossible!

GDP grew to $4.3 trillion, hopping 105% growth in a decade.

Under PM Modi’s leadership, India will continue to grow and achieve his vision of Developed India - 'Viksit Bharat'.

Modi Hai Toh Mumkin Hai!

#GDP #India #economy #IndianEconomy #ModiHaiToMumkinHai #PMModi #EconomicGrowth #ViksitBharat
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3 days ago
India has achieved the impossible!

GDP grew to $4.3 trillion, hopping 105% growth in a decade.

Under PM Modi’s leadership, India will continue to grow and achieve his vision of Developed India - Viksit Bharat.

Modi Hai Toh Mumkin Hai!

#GDP #India #economy #IndianEconomy  #ModiHaiToMumkinHai #PMModi #EconomicGrowth #ViksitBharat

5 CommentsComment on Facebook

Very very remarkable accivement Sir, God bless to our Finace minister and PM Sir


Share details about Per capita income as well. And all these are beneficial to the rich and middle class and poor people still suffers

Outstanding work!! India's at peak and poised doing greater strides 🙏🙏🌹🇮🇳😍

The Russian economy's NOMINAL GDP is today well over 3 trillion dollars. Putting it at no.7 or no.8 in the above list. But on a PPP basis it is much higher. On a PPP basis Russia is already the 4th largest economy in the world after china, us and India. www.intellinews.com/russia-overtakes-japan-to-become-the-fourth-largest-economy-in-the-world-in-p...

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सुनीता विलियम्स और उसके साथी अंतरिक्ष वीर, पृथ्वी पर वापस लौट आए हैं।
वैज्ञानिकों को बहुत बधाई।
मानव की बुद्धि और तंत्रज्ञान क्या कर सकता है, इसका यह उदाहरण है।
9 महीने पूरी दुनिया चिंतित थी, लेकिन मानवी प्रज्ञा जीती है।
यह एक ऐतिहासिक क्षण है!

#SunitaWilliams #sunitawilliamsreturns #NASA #SpaceX #spaceexploration #spacetravel #spacexdragon #Trump #ISRO #SpaceMission #sunita #Williams
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7 days ago

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अंतरराष्ट्रीय जगत के सभी वैज्ञानिक अंतरिक्ष यात्रीयो का भारत मे 9 महिने बाद बहुत बहुत स्वागत है आप सभी सदैव खुश उत्साहित तन्दुरस्त रहे खुशहाल आंनदमय रहे अंतरराष्ट्रीय जगत के सभी होनहार ब्रिलियंट बहादुर तकनीक विशेषज्ञ वैज्ञानिक अनुसंधान संस्थान के महारथीयो सभी को अपने जीवन की ईस महत्वपूर्ण अंतरिक्ष यात्रा के अनूठे अद्भुत अविस्मरणीय अलौकिक आश्चर्यजनक पलो क्षणो को महिनो तक अंतरिक्ष यान मे रहकर बेहतरीन अनुभव लिया आप सभी आदरणीया श्रद्धेया सुश्री सुनिता विलियम्स अंतरिक्ष यान यात्री सहित आपकी सभी आदरणीय श्रीमान श्रद्धेय सभी अंतरराष्ट्रीय अंतरिक्ष यात्रीयो को मै धर्मेंद्र गौतम स्वतंत्र पत्रकार BJMC Holder आरटीआई एक्टिविस्ट पूर्व होमगार्ड वालंटियर राजस्थान आप सभी को शुद्ध अंतकरण हृदय तल से सलूट व साधुवाद व सादर चरण स्पर्श करता हूं आपको इस महत्वपूर्ण यात्रा के लिए हृदय तल से बहुत बहुत बधाई हार्दिक हार्दिक शुभकामनाऐ जय हिंद जय भारत जय किसान जय जवान वन्देमातरम जय श्रीराम जय श्रीराम जय श्रीराम जय श्रीराम जय श्रीराम जय श्रीराम जय श्रीराम जय श्रीराम जय श्रीराम जय श्रीराम जय श्रीराम जय श्रीराम जय श्रीराम जय श्रीराम जय श्रीराम जय श्रीराम श्रीराम श्रीराम हनुमान वन्देमातरम


Sunita Williams, Welcome to your own earth.

The astronauts were stuck for nine months in space, creating uncertainties and anxiety in the world.

Finally, human have achieved what was impossible till today.

Original intelligence with artificial intelligence has worked wonders.

This is a historic moment. We all celebrate.

#NASA #SunitaWilliams #spaceexploration #SpaceX #sunitawilliamsreturns
#Trump #spacetravel
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7 days ago

2 CommentsComment on Facebook

Sincere salute sunita williams


Saddened by the news of demise of great patriot and politician from Odisha, Shri Debendra Pradhan.
He was main architect of development of BJP in #Odisha.
He was a minister in the cabinet of Atal Bihari Vajpayee.
His legacy of good work and politics is carried by our friend and colleague Dharmendra Pradhan .
My homage to Debendra ji.
Om Shanti 🙏

#debendrapradhan #condolence #DharmendraPradhan
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1 week ago
Saddened by the news of demise of great patriot and politician from Odisha, Shri Debendra Pradhan.
He was main architect of development of BJP in #Odisha. 
He was a minister in the cabinet of Atal Bihari Vajpayee.
His legacy of good work and politics is carried by our friend and colleague Dharmendra Pradhan .
My homage to Debendra ji. 
Om Shanti 🙏

#debendrapradhan #Condolence  #DharmendraPradhan

9 CommentsComment on Facebook

Great Information Mr Prakash Javedakar Jii....Great Information Of Mr Darmendar Pradhan Jii....Great Odissa BJP Leader Jii.....

Om Shanti

Om shanti 🙏

Sir.... New kerala BJP president PC george appointment very good... May be another person no problem good luck... Sir this time kerala BJP wanted 20% extra votes christian nominee very good thinking... 20...20..and extra post 4 or 5 working president in kerala.... Thiruvanthapuram baise one working president... Rajeev chandrasekharan.... 2...pathanamthitta kottayam ernakulam....... Jacob thomas..... Palakkad baise. K.surendran..... Kannur... V.Muralidharan.. Think

My Respectable Pranam and Tribute to Legendary Personality. I Pray God May his Soul attain Sadgati 🙏🙏🙏

ॐ ଶାନ୍ତି 🙏🙏

Om Shanti ! 🙏 Jai Hind ! 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳

विनम्र श्रद्धांजलि शत् शत् नमन 🙏 Dharmendra Pradhan साहेब

ॐ शांती 🙏🙏🙏

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Do Watch - PM Narendra Modi 's interesting converation wLex Fridmanidm#PMModiLivei#PMModiPodcastd#NarendraModia#lexfridmani#lexfridmanpodcastdcast ... See MoreSee Less

1 week ago
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Yaadon Ke Pitare Se

Travel to the treasure land of memories with Prakash Javadekar reminiscing some of the unforgettable events, stories and experiences of his life studded with some learnings, some emotions, some life changing experiences and also some humor.

Also experience and witness various cultures and traditions, festivals, songs, literature and sports from his perspective.

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